‘Mark Heald is a shining example of a senior clerk. Nothing is ever too much trouble.’

‘The clerks are always happy to assist and are great with fitting conferences and hearings around the diaries.’

‘St John’s Buildings have a very strong set of inquest practitioners.’

– Legal 500 2025

St John’s Buildings have an experienced and expert Inquests team. The team is led by Andrew Bridgman, who is also an Assistant Coroner and includes experts who are accustomed to providing support and representation through the inquest or public inquiry process.

Clients include:

We have specific expert knowledge in relation to clinical negligence, death in custody and unlawful killing, drawn from our group of barristers who regularly handle Inquests and those involved in the process.

Our expertise extends to Human Rights arguments and we are experts in public and administrative law, regulatory and criminal law and personal injury and clinical negligence law.

Contact the clerks by email at clerk@stjohnsbuildings.co.uk, or on 0161 214 1500 for more information.