Data Protection and the GDPR are the ‘buzz words’ of the last couple of years, following the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation which came into force in May 2018. St John’s Buildings offer specialist barristers handling cases brought by and against data controllers and data processors, claims in the misuse of private information and Article 8 claims against public bodies in addition to issues concerning the Information Commissioner’s Office, the official regulator. The team assists with advice and representation in civil and criminal cases acting for both individuals and companies of all sizes.
The work is carried out in the First-tier Tribunal, County Court, High Court, and Crown Court.
The work
- ACO Prosecutions and Confiscation Proceedings
- Breach of confidence
- Computer Misuse Act
- Data Protection Damages Claims
- Defamation
- Electronic Marketing
- Freedom Of Information Act Cases
- GDPR and DPA Compliance
- Misuse of Private Information Cases
- Personal Data Breach Advice
- Privacy
- Regulatory Enforcement
- Subject Access Requests
Our clients
- Individuals
- Companies
- Police Forces
- Insurance Companies
- Local Authorities