Inquest into the death of Mr David James Molloy
Yesterday, following a two-week inquest at Manchester West Coroner's Court, Richard Orme (for PC Riley) and Laura Nash (for PC Turner), instructed by Paul...
Senior Clerk - Criminal and Regulatory
Lead Criminal Clerk
Criminal and Regulatory Clerk
Criminal Clerk
Richard is a highly experienced and exceptional criminal and regulatory advocate. Called to the Bar in 1993, he has specialised in serious and complex criminal work for more than 25 years.
Additionally, Richard undertakes Inquest and regulatory work, including Police Misconduct Hearings, HSE, Environmental Agency and Trading Standards prosecutions.
Richard is fluent in several languages, including Mandarin, French, German and Spanish.
In crime, Richard receives instructions from both the Defence and Prosecution in Magistrates, Crown Court and Appellate levels and particularly in cases of the utmost seriousness including complex fraud, MTIC/multi-cell VAT frauds, drug trafficking, people trafficking, murder, corporate manslaughter, firearms offences, robberies, money laundering, proceeds of crime and sexual offences. Richard also accepts private work in all areas which includes private road traffic defence work.
Amongst the private work undertaken, Richard is regularly instructed by the Far Eastern community given his unique knowledge of the culture having previously studied, lived and worked in that region for a number of years, including the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong and Thailand.
In 1997/98, Richard was the first counsel in the country to successfully advance a defence which colloquially became known as ‘Medical Necessity’ in respect of cannabis cultivation, possession and possession with intent to supply. In the few years thereafter before the Court of Appeal eventually ruled that there was no such defence, Richard represented therapeutic users of cannabis throughout England and Wales. Richard takes pride in the fact that on no occasion following a contested trial, was a client of his ever convicted in such cases.
Richard is a Grade 4 Prosecutor and receives instructions from the Complex Crime Unit of the CPS and also undertakes advisory and advocacy work in respect of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs in cases such as Fraudulent Evasion of Excise Duty, Multi-Cell VAT frauds and Proceeds of Crime. Richard has been instructed to prosecute the following Operations on behalf of CPS Fraud Group and HMRC. Orate/Oblivion/Tudor/Impervious/Ivanhoe/Applelamp/Redpepper/Cloudcastle/Cheshire/Oklahoma/Nautical.
Richard regularly receives instructions on behalf of the Defence in cases of Missing Trader Intra Community (MTIC) frauds as well as Multi-Cell VAT frauds.
Richard has been a specialist Rape and Sexual offences prosecutor for many years and undertakes both Defence and Prosecution work in this area.
Richard additionally undertakes Inquest work and recently received instructions from the Police Superintendent’s Association successfully representing the interests of the Silver Cadre Commander in connection with the fatal shooting of a member of the public
Richard’s latest Inquest / Coroner’s Court case involves representing an interested party in a Death in Police Custody case.
Richard accepts instructions from families of the deceased
Richard accepts instructions in relation to Police Misconduct Hearings and is regularly instructed by Police Professional Standards to act as Legal Advisor to the Assistant Chief Constable of South Yorkshire in connection with such hearings
Richard also accepts instructions through the Police Federation to represent serving officers before Police Misconduct Tribunal hearings
Richard undertakes defence work in connection with prosecutions brought by regulatory bodies including the Environment Agency / Trading Standards / HMRC / HSE.
2017 Defending Company in Trading Standards Prosecution (Supply of Machinery Regulations 2008)
2019 Defending company representative in Environment Agency Prosecution under Waste Electronic Goods Regulations
2019 Defending Care Home Company Director for Care Provider Breaches
Richard is a visiting lecturer at the University of Law.