R v LB – Suspended Sentence in Fraud Case: James Hudson Defends
James Hudson represented LB, a Senior Project Manager of a financial services company, who pleaded guilty to fraud by abuse of position. The fraud...
Lead Criminal Clerk
Criminal Clerk
Junior Criminal Clerk
Junior Criminal Clerk
James joined Chambers in 2023 following completion of his pupillage at the Crown Prosecution Service in 2022. He specialises in crime and enjoys a busy Crown Court practice, both prosecuting and defending. Recent instructions have included large-scale drugs conspiracies and importations, firearms offences, serious violent and sexual offences, and other serious organised crime such as fraud, blackmail, and high-value conspiracies to burgle.
Recently, James successfully appeared in the Court of Appeal securing the immediate release of his client from prison for the importation of drugs. Lady Justice Andrews said, “it is always nice in this Court when Counsel, acting in the best traditions of the Bar, comes at their own expense to argue a case like this, and you have done a very good job for your client today.”
James is a CPS Level 2 Advocate and is on the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Panel. James also defends in such cases and has experience in dealing with vulnerable witnesses (including Defendants) as well as cross-examining child witnesses through the s.28 YJCEA 1999 procedure. James is currently defending a case in the Youth Court concerning the rape of a 13-year-old child.
James’ down-to-earth approach, coupled with his detailed and considered advice, ensures clients that he is a dependable and trustworthy advocate who has their best interests at the forefront of his mind. James has the ability to manage paper-heavy cases and to quickly grasp the real issues in any case, including those which are factually or legally complex.
R v Gray [2024] EWCA Crim 296: Successfully appealed against sentence in a case concerning the importation of over 16.5 kilograms of cannabis from Jamaica into Manchester. The original sentence of 33 months’ imprisonment was quashed and replaced with a 22-month suspended sentence. Read the Judgment here.
R v Newton [2022] EWCA Crim 1441: Advised the Solicitor General in a case of child cruelty relating to bone fractures caused to a 10-week-old baby. A Suspended Sentence Order held to be ‘unduly lenient’ was replaced with a sentence of three years’ imprisonment. The case was reported by BBC News.
Operation Agra (2024 – ongoing): Minshull Street Crown Court
Defending the first Defendant in a Class A drugs and money laundering conspiracy with the use of cryptocurrency on the ‘dark web.’
Operation Riverside (2024): Minshull Street Crown court
Prosecuting. Led Junior. Large-scale class A drugs conspiracy. Reported in the Manchester Evening News.
R v GJ (2024): Manchester Crown Court
Defending. Importation of 25 kilograms of Class A drugs (Methamphetamine) worth £2 million. Reported in the Manchester Evening News.
R v DH (2024): Bolton Crown Court
Defending. Possession with intent to supply class A and B drugs. Suspended sentence secured following late guilty plea on a factual basis that limited the more serious offending to one day of social supply.
R v IP (2024): Liverpool Crown Court
Defending. Production of cannabis. No evidence offered by the Prosecution after cross-examination of the Officer in the Case.
R v MA (2023): Manchester Crown Court
Defending. Possession of half a kilogram of class A drugs with intent to supply. Successfully mitigated for a sentence of just 2 years’ 8 months’ imprisonment.
R v JM (2025 – ongoing): Preston Crown Court
Prosecuting. Indecent assault of a male aged 4 – 6 in the early 1980s.
R v KM (2025 – ongoing): Bolton Crown Court
False imprisonment with intent to commit a sexual offence.
R v AT (2024 – ongoing): Stoke Crown Court
Prosecuting. Rape. Complainant and Defendant with mental health issues.
R v JD (2024 – ongoing): Stoke Crown Court
Prosecuting. Arranging the rape of a child under 13.
R v JC (2024 – ongoing): Minshull Street Crown Court
Prosecuting. Multiple familial sexual offences including sexual assaults on children under 13.
R v DE (2024 – ongoing): Minshull Street Crown Court
Defending. Sexual assault involving a vulnerable Complainant.
R v BH (2024 – ongoing): Stafford Crown Court
Defending. Indecent images.
R v DM (2024 – ongoing): Bolton Crown Court
Prosecuting. Schoolteacher indicted with attempted sexual communications with a child and attempting to cause a child to engage in sexual activity.
R v LC (2024): Liverpool Crown Court
Defending. Sexual activity without consent involving penetration. Acquitted after a three-day trial.
R v MA (2024): Manchester Crown Court
Defending. Persuaded the Court to keep to the mandatory minimum term of three years’ imprisonment for the possession of three firearms; a 9mm pistol and two shotguns. Reported in the Manchester Evening News.
R v CC & SR (2024 – ongoing): Stoke Crown Court
Prosecuting. Wounding with intent. Targeted attack with large knives causing a large wound to the head and arm.
R v JP (2024 – ongoing): Stafford Crown Court
Prosecuting. GBH with intent. Use of a brick as a weapon causing a fractured skull and a bleed on the brain.
R v SG (2024 – ongoing): Minshull Street Crown Court
Defending. False imprisonment and causing GBH.
Operation Swanmore (2024): Manchester Crown Court
Defending. Violent disorder and s.47 ABH arising from large-scale violence in the Manchester Riots.
R v VK (2024): Manchester Crown Court
Defending. False imprisonment and assault. Suspended Sentence Order imposed.
R v CE (2024): Stafford Crown Court
Defending. s.20 involving the use of a glass as a weapon causing wounds to the face. Suspended Sentence Order imposed.
R v AG (2024): Minshull Street Crown Court
Defending. Wounding with intent of a police officer. Plea to s.20 accepted by the Prosecution. Defendant suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Hospital order imposed.
R v AK (2024): Manchester Crown Court
Defending. Stalking involving fear of violence and disclosing/threatening to disclose private sexual images. Defendant with autism and learning difficulties. Suspended Sentence Order imposed.
R v AM (2024): Bolton Crown Court
Defending. Violent robbery of an elderly neighbour. The Prosecution accepted pleas to a s.47 ABH and theft on a limited basis. Short custodial sentence after a Goodyear indication, thereby avoiding a lengthy term of imprisonment.
R v RJ (2024): Manchester Crown Court
Defending. Controlling/coercive behaviour and child cruelty case involving pre-recorded cross-examination. Acquitted of two child cruelty counts after a 7-day trial.
R v CJ (2023): Minshull Street Crown Court
Defending. s.20 stabbing of a family member where wounds were caused to the head. Numerous aggravating factors present such as the presence of a child, being under the influence of alcohol and drugs, and previous convictions for violence. Suspended sentence imposed.
Operation Dilemma (2024 – ongoing): Minshull Street Crown Court
Defending. Many dwelling burglaries and theft of high-value motor vehicles.
R v LB (2024 – ongoing): Minshull Street Crown Court
Defending. Fraud by abuse of position.
R v JB & ES (2024): Sheffield Crown Court
Prosecuting. Conspiracy to blackmail involving an elderly family member. Defendants sentenced to seven and three years’ imprisonment.
R v JM & AN (2024): Burnley Crown Court
Prosecuting. Conspiracy to burgle 13 dwellings where property (mainly gold jewellery) worth over £100,000 were stolen. Defendants sentenced to nine and seven years’ imprisonment.