Remote multi-party hearing in the Family Court

April 8, 2020

Sara Mann has just concluded an extensive multi-party hearing using Skype for Business in the family court. The hearing involved six advocates, four lay parties, one social worker and five witnesses (in addition to one of the parties who gave evidence remotely) who all attended remotely whilst the Judge was in the court building. The hearing had commenced before lockdown and concluded after lockdown.

Sara said “There is a need for all parties to work together and it’s very important to build time in to the hearing for “dummy runs” to ensure that witnesses can access the hearing. There also needs to be various “ground rules” as to how the case should proceed. It is however possible and necessary in the current circumstances. There is no need to adjourn final hearings. Delay prejudices the children and the Courts can accommodate such hearings.”

To find out more about how St John’s Buildings can carry out remote hearings, please get in touch.