RE: A (Capacity: Social Media and Internet Use: Best Interests)
A judgment has been handed down on the Court of Protection case of Re: A (Capacity: Social Media and Internet Use: Best Interests) by the Honourable Mr Justice Cobb.
Joseph O’Brien was instructed by Caroline Hurst of Simpson Millar to represent ‘A’.
The ruling, made on Thursday 21 February, addressed how a person’s capacity is to be assessed when considering restrictions on their use of the internet and social media.
Following this judgment Joseph O’Brien will be presenting a seminar, along with Caroline Hurst of Simpson Millar, entitled “Social inclusion and social media: Setting the bar for capacity under the MCA” on Friday 1 March at 3.30-5pm. This will take place at St John’s Buildings, Manchester.
We warmly invite you to join us for this talk at our chambers. Please book your place by emailing
You can download the judgment here.