Employee Engagement High at St John’s Buildings
Chambers has recently reported back to its staff team following analysis of the 2018 Staff Survey and the results are extremely positive.
The survey was last carried out in 2016, when the overall engagement score was 78%. The 2018 survey saw improvements in positive responses across the board, reflected in the overall engagement score being uplifted to 85%. 91% of employees responded to the survey.
Employees were asked to rate how positively they felt about various aspects of their employment at St John’s Buildings, including: the organisation, their job, personal development, pay and benefits and their working environment.
97% of respondents agreed that they were “Proud to work for St John’s Buildings” and 84% agree that the pay and benefits package offered is a good one.
Job satisfaction ratings rose to 84%, with 94% agreeing they are given sufficient training to do their jobs.
The highest scoring section was “Relationships with Your Managers” at 95% engagement, where scores were almost entirely positive. This arises from a policy of regular one-to-one meetings and annual appraisals, which all managers are expected and trained to run to give time to communicate with their team members, involve them in Chambers’ successes, recognise their efforts and enable them to voice ideas and concerns.
97% of respondents agreed that they were “Proud to work for St John’s Buildings” and 84% agree that the pay and benefits package offered is a good one.
Job satisfaction ratings rose to 84%, with 94% agreeing they are given sufficient training to do their jobs.
Chambers works hard to stay at the forefront of technology in the industry and used the survey to gauge if the staff team are ready for future change. 90% of respondents agreed they are comfortable with the prospect of continuing technological development and change and 93% agreed that Chambers provides sufficient training and support to use technology in their roles.
While we are delighted with the positivity from employees about working at St John’s Buildings, we are always seeking ways to improve. Our focus in 2019 will be on flexibility and working hours, to provide more options for staff to enjoy working at St John’s Buildings while striking a comfortable work life balance.
Sally Harrison QC, Head of Chambers from July 2013 – November 2018, said: “The welfare of the staff is of fundamental importance to our Chambers. Whilst I have been Head of Chambers, we have invested considerable effort and resources in our staff to ensure that we provide a positive, engaging and rewarding working environment. I am delighted to see those efforts have had a positive impact on the working lives of our employees”.
Chief Executive Chris Ronan said: “We are very proud of our staff team, who work hard to support our barristers and their clients, providing excellent levels of service. Employee satisfaction and wellbeing remains high on our agenda and is of the utmost importance to the success of Chambers”.