Eight new tenants for SJB
We are delighted to announce that eight new barristers are joining Chambers on successful completion of their pupillage. All have been approved by the...
Lead Clerk, Family and Court of Protection
Family and Court of Protection Clerk
Family and Court of Protection Clerk
Having successfully completed a Family law pupillage under the supervision of Justine Cole, Zoe is available to accept instructions in private and public children work, deprivation of liberty orders, and matrimonial finance proceedings as part of her rapidly growing practice.
Zoe is approachable and personable, allowing her to build rapport quickly with clients and negotiate effectively with other parties. She has experience representing vulnerable clients including neurodivergent clients and clients with learning difficulties.
She has a practical and issue-focussed approach, allowing her to quickly get up to speed with cases and get to the heart of matters.
Zoe is meticulous in drafting documents including threshold, position statements, skeleton arguments, written openings, written submissions, case summaries and court orders.
Zoe has experience of hearings at all stages of proceedings from the initial hearings or appointments through to findings of fact and final hearings. She acts for local authorities, parents, and children by their Guardians.
Issues in cases that Zoe has dealt with include drug and alcohol misuse, neglect, mental health, criminality, capacity, homelessness, domestic abuse, sexual assault, parental alienation, and non-accidental injury.
In recent cases Zoe has:
Zoe’s scientific background allows her to critically analyse scientific evidence such as hair strand testing reports and medical evidence.
Zoe has experience of hearings throughout proceedings from FDA to FDR and final hearing. She accepts instructions for privately and publicly funded clients as part of a developing financial remedies practice.
Issues in cases that Zoe has dealt with include pension sharing, cohabitation before marriage, matrimonialisation of inheritance, domestic abuse, and non-disclosure.
In recent cases Zoe has: