Hannah is a respected common law practitioner. She appears in courts all over the North Eastern Circuit and further afield and is happy to travel for her instructing solicitors’ convenience.
Crown Court & appeals
Hannah is an experienced Crown Court advocate. She has been a member of Chambers since 2011 having completed her pupillage from September 2010-11.
She is instructed by the Crown Prosecution Service and by defence solicitors for all types of criminal offences including violence, dishonesty, sexual offences and drugs. She often appears in Proceeds of Crime Acts cases and serious frauds. She is regularly instructed in serious cases involving multiple defendants in her own right and as a led junior. She is hard working and known for her excellent inter-personal skills.
Hannah was appointed as a Grade 3 prosecutor in January 2016 after only five years at the Bar.
Recent Cases
R v F and Others (2016): Defence. Seven-handed violent disorder case involving 36 discs of CCTV and over 2,000 pages of unused material. Substantial media interest. Trial lasted three weeks.
R v S – Defence: Fraud of £55,000. Later resolved with a lower amount in favour of the defence.
R v D & S (2016): Prosecution. Two-handed multiple frauds. Complex case involving a 16 Count indictment. Listed for a two-week trial although resolved as a guilty plea. Over 3,000 pages of evidence.
In H (2015): Prosecution. Six-day trial involving two defendants, special measures for some of the witnesses, interpreters (all of the parties were Slovakian) and a child witness.
In W (2014): Defence. Led Junior – represented the first defendant in a seven-handed, six-week trial involving a complex VAT fraud with 10,000 pages of evidence. Hannah’s role included witness handling and mastery of an enormous volume of unused material.
Children (Public and Private law)
Hannah appears for Local Authorities, parents, and on behalf of children in Public and Private law. She is an experienced advocate who will give robust advice when necessary whilst also respecting the sensitivity required in this field. Her background, with a mixed criminal and civil/family practice has given her significant advocacy and forensic skills.
Recent Cases
Re B (2016): Six-day finding of fact on behalf of the child. Cross examination of a psychiatrist, the Mother and the social worker.
Re C (2015): Five-day finding of fact for the Local Authority. Case involved calling a psychologist and lengthy cross examination of both parents. Detailed skeleton arguments and written submissions required. Closing submissions adopted by the judge. The judge found for the Local Authority.
Re S (2015): Long-running private law case with elements of public law on behalf of the Mother. The eventual result, after a carefully prepared cross examination, was that the court did not follow the recommendation made by the social worker and the children remained with the Mother.
Re M (2014): Hannah appeared for the Father in a Private Law case. The Father was accused of domestic violence. None of the allegations were proved; due to the six family members who spoke on behalf of the Mother being disbelieved due to contradictions exposed during a detailed cross examination.
Personal injury
Hannah is experienced in Small, Fast and Multi Track cases. She appears in applications, Infant Settlements and regularly for trials. Hanna is robust on behalf of Claimants and Defendants. She is happy to grapple with complex sets of facts and figures. With her mixed civil and criminal practice, Hannah has acquired significant forensic skills which she uses to good effect during cross-examination of Claimants and Defendants and for making persuasive closing submissions.
She has a particular interest in allegations of fraudulent claims.
Hannah drafts pleadings and advised on quantum regularly.
Her practice encompasses RTA collisions, employers’ liabilities, credit hire and industrial diseases.
- Criminal Bar Association
- Family Bar Association
- Personal Injury Bar Association
- Grade 3 Prosecutor