Clerking team

Paul Laverty
Paul Laverty

Senior Clerk - Family and Court of Protection

Mark Williams

Senior Clerk

Matthew Rigby

Assistant Senior Clerk (Children)

“Natalia is articulate, intelligent and fierce on her feet.”

Legal 500, 2025 (Children and Domestic Violence)

“Natalia has a clear eyed focus on trying to resolve problems in Court of Protection cases.”

Legal 500, 2025 (Court of Protection)

Strengths: “She’s very good on her feet in court.”

Chambers UK Bar, 2025

Natalia is a specialist in children law (both public and private), adult social care and in the Court of Protection.

She was called to the bar in 2007 and undertook pupillage in Leeds at Parklane Plowden Chambers before joining St John’s Buildings in 2022.

Natalia is accredited to receive instructions directly from members of the public through the Public Access Scheme.

Children (Public and Private law)

Public Law

Natalia undertakes a broad range of public law children work predominantly in the County Court and High Court. Natalia is very experienced in working with vulnerable clients and is regularly instructed by the Official Solicitor.

Natalia’s practice includes the following:

  • Complex and near fatal multiple injuries
  • Non-accidental injuries
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Fabricated/induced illness
  • Alleged suffocation
  • Chronic neglect
  • Changes in placement
  • Adoption
  • Non-accidental head injury
  • Parents with disabilities
  • Cases involving cross examination of a vulnerable child or adult
  • Cases involving deprivation of liberty
  • Cases involving a cross over or transfer to the Court of Protection.

Recent Cases

  • Representation of a vulnerable family member accused of sexual abuse perpetrated on a sibling resulting in a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Representation of a father where findings were sought that he had perpetrated sexual abuse on his stepchildren.
  • Representation of a child in proceedings where there were allegations of fabricated illness.
  • Representation of a mother in proceedings where it was alleged she caused the death of her child.
  • Representation of a father where findings of physical abuse were sought. This case involved a transfer of proceedings to Romania.
  • Representation of an intervener in a complex and near fatal multiple injuries case involving non accidental head injury.
  • Representation of a mother where findings were sought following the identification of near fatal head injuries.


Natalia has been involved in cases involving post adoption contact claims and proportionality of adoption, she represented the child in F-S (A Child: Placement Order) [2021] EWCA Civ 1212.

Private Law Children

Natalia has experience and expertise in the following areas:

  • Finding of fact hearings
  • External and internal relocation
  • International abduction cases
  • PD12J cases
  • Proportionate use of prohibited steps orders
  • Special Guardianship
  • Wardship
  • Child Arrangement Orders.

Natalia has particular interest in finding of fact hearings and relocation cases (both internal and external) and is seen as an expert in this field by instructing solicitors.

As well as receiving conventional instructions via legal professionals, Natalia accepts instructions on a direct/public access basis.

Recent Cases

  • Application to relocate to internally within the North East of England
  • Application to relocate to the Australia
  • Removal from the jurisdiction to France
  • Specific issue order regarding change of school
  • Finding of fact regarding cross allegations of domestic abuse including sexual abuse
  • Change of child arrangements order to a live with order
  • Finding of fact regarding cross allegations of coercive and controlling behaviour
  • PD12J cases. 

Health and Social Care

Natalia regularly advises and appears on behalf of public authorities and individuals in relation to health and social care disputes. Natalia’s expertise spans across several areas, such as disputes relating to the provision of care or services under the Care Act 2014, the Children Act 1989 and the Mental Health Act 1983.

Inherent Jurisdiction / Medical Treatment

Natalia has been involved in some very complex cases involving the use of the inherent jurisdiction to protect vulnerable young adults in particular where questions arise as to whether the individual has capacity and whether the circumstances amount to a Deprivation of Liberty.

Natalia has been involved in medical treatment cases, most recently involving dental treatment.

Court of Protection

Natalia’s practice encompasses all areas within the Court of Protection. Natalia has particular interest in and is regularly instructed in cases where a finding of fact is necessary before final declarations can be made.

Natalia also receives regular instructions in cases which involve allegations regarding the mismanagement of funds.

Natalia is regularly instructed by the Official Solicitor and also by hospitals, CCGs, family members and Local Authorities.

Natalia’s practice focuses in particular on:

  • Cases that include a transfer of proceedings from Children Act cases to the Court of Protection
  • Deprivation of Liberty safeguards
  • Deputyship
  • Property and financial affairs (in particular mismanagement of financial affairs)
  • Health and welfare concerns
  • Capacity disputes.

Recent Cases

  • Representation of a P in a case where there was competing expert evidence regarding P’s capacity to make decisions surrounding her residence and care.
  • Representation of a parent where there was a dispute as to which placement would be in P’s best interests.
  • Representation of a Local Authority where consideration needed to be given as to whether declarations should be sought in respect of capacity around contact given the expert evidence and the case as a whole.
  • Representation of P in welfare proceedings involving fractious family members.
  • Representation of a CCG which started with advice surrounding working with a family and obtaining expert reports before issuing proceedings to ensure that the most accurate evidence was placed before the court prior to issuing.


  • BA (Hons) History and Politics (University of Liverpool, 2002-2005)
  • Graduate Diploma in Law (BPP Law School Leeds, 2005-2006)
  • Bar Vocational Course (BPP Law School Leeds, 2006-2007)
  • Vulnerable Witness Advocacy Training